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• There is no structured mechanism to support donation or loan of art to the City’s collection


• Create guidelines that establish criteria for evaluating whether gifts or loaned art are of high quality and in line with the goals of public art in the community.

Policy 7: The City and the Dublin Arts Council, in partnership with others, have the responsibility to increase the availability of art in the community.


• The City’s visual art collection should have more variety in media, context and location and have additional works added regularly.


• Support public art through the continued funding provided to the Dublin Arts Council for art acquisition.

• Attract private galleries to the Dublin community.

• Encourage the Dublin Arts Council to work with area arts organizations, schools and corporate residents to make art available within the public realm.

• Create opportunities such as an “art trail” that features art from art organizations.

Policy 8: The City will encourage the incorporation of art in private developments when the art is within the public realm.


• There is no formalized agreement on how to encourage the incorporation of art in private developments, or what kind of role the City wants to take on this issue.


• Create incentives for developers to encourage community art.

• Promote the option of public art through a development packet that outlines the options, possibilities, and benefits to art in private development.


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