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This might include some restoration and development of a display area for artifacts. Given the nature of this site as a burial ground, plans must be created with sensitivity to Native Americans and to the archeological importance of the property. The adjacent Ferris Cemetery should be included.

Bicentennial Celebration

The City is in the initial stages of planning its bicentennial celebration for 2010. History certainly will play a significant role in the celebration and could be the catalyst for historic preservation and education initiatives.

Policy 1: Identify and preserve historically significant locations and items


• Areas identified as historically significant should be protected from development or incorporated into development.


• Develop and incorporate planning, zoning and development standards that address historic preservation.

• Integrate historically significant areas into the design of public and private improvements.

• Offer incentives to developments that preserve historically significant areas.

Policy 2: Pursue funding from income tax and non-income tax revenue sources.


• Preserving historically significant areas often comes with a price tag.


• Seek grant opportunities from organizations, including Dublin’s Hotel/Motel Tax Fund that support historic preservation and education.

• Dedicate capital funds to preservation efforts.

• Develop incentives for preservation by private entities.

• Work with the Dublin Convention and Visitors Bureau and other local organizations to promote Dublin history for economic purposes.

Policies, Issues and Strategies

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