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Projects in 2006-07 have included:

• Renovation of the Dublin Community Recreation Center (DCRC) Wee Folk Room and Teen Lounge to provide additional space to accommodate previously identified Wee Folk Room expanded occupancy needs and to increase security.

• Renovation of the DCRC first floor, which included the replacement of all hallway tiling, redesign of the welcome/front desk system, addition of a privately operated café, new office space for managers on duty and the aquatics administrator, new computer lab space, a reservation center and furniture to create additional gathering spaces throughout the facility.

• Retrofit of the competition pool HVAC system to allow for better air circulation within the space.

• Renovation of the Coffman Park Stables to accommodate adult programming for arts, crafts and other seasonal programming.

• 5868 Post Road (Nyrop Property) roof replacement

Planned projects in 2008-2009 include:

• Replacement of floor tiling in the

DCRC men’s and women’s locker rooms.

• Additional outdoor seating adjacent to the bocce ball court in Coffman Park.

• Restoration of the barn on South High Street in Historic Dublin.

• Restoration and placement of the Davis log cabin.

New facilities and structures planned for upcoming park developments also are programmed into the five-year CIP. These are designed and built through the oversight of Parks and Open Space, with input from Facilities. During the planning process for neighborhood parks, input is gathered from residents living adjacent to the park or within the subdivision the park would service. This input often helps define the types of facilities and structures included in these neighborhood parks.

An additional future impact on the funding and maintenance of our City facilities will be the projected renovation of the Chiller facility in 2018. The purchase and construction of the Chiller was a public-private partnership between in the City of Dublin and the Columbus Chill hockey team in 1993. Each year facilities conducts a walk-though of this facility, along with the Washington Township

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