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corrective action is compiled and implemented if conditions warrant. Application of herbicides and pesticides shall be completed as part of an integrated pest-management policy. Damage to plant material or excessive weed populations must be evident before turf chemical applications, with the exception of athletic fields. When damage to plant material or excessive weed populations is evident, the least-dangerous chemical designed to control the problem shall be used. All applications shall be made according to label instructions and state regulations. Broadleaf weed control is applied where necessary to control weeds in the turf.

Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance

All vehicle and equipment maintenance is

handled by the fleet work unit. Minor tasks such as mower maintenance and small equipment repairs are handled by the division internally.

Water Features / Fountains / Aerators

The Grounds Maintenance staff maintains all City-owned aerators, fountains and water features. Routine maintenance is performed on all 40 aerators to ensure the longest life cycle possible. The majority of the aerators run year-round, weather permitting. The Grounds Maintenance staff also maintains the Muirfield /Glick Road fountain and the Brighton Commons reflecting pool and fountain. These fountains require daily maintenance to ensure water quality and proper function.

Policy 1: The division is responsible for longevity and safety of City-owned art displays in parks and public spaces.


• Art in Public Places has been subject to vandalism and theft. Public art has become damaged or is in premature need of repair due to design issues.


• Staff has been instructed to file a police report any time vandalism occurs. This information can be used by the Division of Police to compile reports and statistics to be passed along to patrol officers.

• Any graffiti is removed within 24 hours to deter additional vandalism.

Policies, Issues and Strategies

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