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will be assigned to the project until completion. Assigned staff will be responsible for following up with Code Enforcement, which will submit a report of findings after completion of the inspection.

Policy 4: Dublin takes pride in and is recognized for providing quality athletic fields.


• Parks and athletic fields are being over-scheduled during sports tournaments. Several issues exist, including lack of adequate parking, lack of enforcement of fire lane infractions, park restrooms being unable to handle tournament volumes and fields that experience excessive wear and tear.

• This quality causes increases in demand and potential overuse, which degrades field quality.


• Recreation Services has implemented a Sports Tournament Committee as part of the centralized reservation program. The committee is directly supervised by Recreation Services staff. The committee meets regularly

with Park and Facilities staff to address specific athletic field and tournament issues. Plans are to have greater involvement with the planning and supervising of sports tournaments to ensure the best outcome for the tournaments and the City.

• Work with event organizers and promoters to establish a level of reasonable use.

• Use the centralized reservation system to schedule field rest and renovation time.

• Curtail any attempts to expand field use for additional tournament, league expansion and new sports providers.

Policy 5: The City is committed to maintaining healthy, self-sustaining ponds with minimal chemical usage and environmentally sound practices.


• Identifying specific City-owned ponds, open spaces and park land to be managed in a more “natural” state.


• Establish native aquatic plants and no-mow barriers around ponds to allow for naturally filtering vegetation and grasses to grow.

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