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whether or not parkland is losing some of its endangered, threatened and potentially threatened plants. Between the 5- to 7-year rotations each area will be placed on a detailed management plan drawn up specifically for that area.

• Prevent and control invasive plants that could overrun the area.

• For vulnerable species, continual monitoring for human intrusion is necessary. If human intrusion of a harmful nature has been discovered, take corrective steps, which may include installing physical barriers such as fences, bike trails and paths to prevent foot traffic.

• Provide informative signage to educate the public and help the public respect these rare plants.

• Avoid changing the surrounding area as a result of these corrective steps.

• Once a rare species is identified, strict monitoring will be initiated, such as ensuring the plant is still there at least once per season.

Policy 8: Develop an invasive management plan


• Invasive plants and animals can be a threat to naturally occurring species.


• Inventory parks and woodlots to be included in eradication program. Use the inventory list and past

professional ecological assessments to help develop and implement a plan of target areas and determine prioritization.

• Predetermine objectives and desired outcome.

• Identify invasives to control and assess control techniques to be used to achieve desired outcome.

• Determine the best method of evaluating and monitoring for long-term outcome. The success should be reviewed and techniques modified as needed.

• Identify the labor pool, including volunteers and contractual services.

Policy 9: Incorporate native plants into landscape design


• Using native plants is not always practical in a formal landscape bed.


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