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Bluebird trail : a set of boxes placed in close proximity, providing artificial hollows for cavity nesting birds

Buffer : an area surrounding a sensitive habitat such as a wetland, which lessens or absorbs the shock of an impact

Community : a group of plants and animals in a specific region living under relatively similar conditions; also the region or habitat in which these plants live

Community art : Physical works of two-dimension and three-dimension art visible from the public realm, including those works that may be privately owned and installed on private property.

Community parks: larger parks that serve the entire community by supporting organized community activities that would not be conducive to neighborhood settings and/or that preserve and protect natural areas. These parks also could be essentially undeveloped, such as larger tracts of woods and prairies.

Corridor : a natural pathway that allows for the movement of animals

Deciduous : not persistent, falling off at the end of a functional period, as petals of many flowers or leaves of trees

Deer rub : an area where a male deer has abraded with antlers or forehead on a small tree

Ecological assessment : the calculation of relationships between organisms and their environment; the study of the effects of civilization on the environment, with a view toward prevention or reversal through conservation

Ecotone : where two different vegetation or community types meet

Endangered species : a species in danger of becoming extinct within a portion or all of its range

Environmental education : refers to learning centered on the natural world and its functions.

Evergreen : a plant whose foliage remains green and functional for more than one growing season

Feral cat : a cat living in wild conditions without human contact and rarely able to be socialized with humans

Floristic assessment : the inventory of herbaceous and woody pant material both native and exotic as well as invasive species.

Forb : any herbaceous plant other than a grass,


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