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Permanent wetlands : pond or water features retaining water throughout the year

Plant salvaging : the practice of removing plants from undeveloped areas slated for development

Plant transplanting : transfer of plants from one area to another

Potentially threatened (rare species) : species with small populations or few sites that are not at present threatened, but may become at risk without protection

Public art : Physical works of tw-dimension and trhee-dimension art visible to the general public in an outdoor location or publicly accessibly area of a civic building.

Public realm: Includes building facades, parks, public open spaces and streets that provide for unrestricted physical or visual access to the general public.

Regional parks: metropolitan park systems operate independently from both state and local governmental agencies. The Franklin County Metro Parks is this area’s regional park system.

Riparian zone : a transitional area between flowing water and land covered by terrestrial vegetation that provides a continuous exchange

of nutrients and woody debris between land and water

Snags : a standing dead or decaying tree, important for providing nesting, and feeding sites for wildlife; a partially or completely dead tree missing branches

Stand : an area composed of trees that are similar in type, or age, or size

Succession : a process in which one habitat or community type changes into a different stage over time

Threatened species : species which are likely to become endangered in the near future over most of its range

Universally accessible : accessibility that goes beyond the Americans With Disabilities Act to include children and adults with moderate to severe disabilities by removing as many barriers as possible

Vernal pool : temporary wetlands that typically dry completely at some point throughout a year

Vulnerable species : species which are likely to become endangered in the near future if the (causal) agents of their decline are not reduced or removed


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