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Parks and Recreat ion Mas t er P lan

Wooded buffer on hillside leading to the Scioto River

Significant Erosion Issues

Current Open Space at end of Memorial Drive


Park Accessibility

•Create walking trail/boardwalk access to Scioto River •Provide of f street parking Open Space Utilization

•Make better use of maintained lawn for community/ neighborhood functions

•Naturalize low priority lawn areas •Manage invasive species Site Furnishings / Play Equipment

•Provide seating/active use areas in future park improvements Si t e S t ruc t ures

•Provide shelter(s) in future park design S torm Wat er / Resource Managemen t

•Replace existing drainage channel from top of slope to Scioto River

•Maintain riparian corridor protection Un i ver sal Acces s

•To be accommodated in future park design

Amberleigh Park Master Plan

View along Memorial Drive

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