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Parks and Recreat ion Mas t er P lan

Historic Influence

Skate Park

“Watch House”



Open Space Utilization

•Naturalize low-priority lawn areas •Manage invasive species Park Functionality

•Provide better shading of existing play areas with • supplemental plantings on south/southwest edges

•Use the Cof fman Park Master Plan as a guide for planning for future development of the land south of Post Road Site Furnishings / Play Equipment

•Replace damaged site furniture, par ticularly wood benches S torm Wat er / Resource Managemen t

•Naturalize edges of retention ponds for runof f filtration/ water fowl management

•Develop stream corridor protection

•Identify areas for riparian corridor reforestation Un i ver sal Acces s

•Provide accessible picnic tables at al l shelters

Ice Skating Parking

Play Area / Tot Lot

Public Art

Recreation Center Restrooms Skateboard Shelter / Gazebo Stormwater Basin/Pond Tennis Volleyball

•Available in winter

•621 parking spaces, 21 accessible spaces

• Two separate playground equipment areas. East playground has shredded rubber sur facing; west has wood mulch groundcover treatment. Both have structures for 2-5 and 5-12 year olds. • “Ascension” by Brian F. Russel l

• “Char ting History” by Andrew F. Scott, David Bamber • “Community Time Capsule” by Andrew F. Scott, David Bamber

• “Exuvia” series by Todd Smith • “Injection” by David Middlebrook

• “Modified Social Bench” series by Jeppe Hein • “Narrow #5” by Shawn Phil lip Morin • “One Scene” by Daisuke Shintani • “Peep Box” series by Daniel le Wal lis

• “Running Man Frieze (after Muybridge)” by Andrew F. Scott, David Bamber

• “Untitled” by Daisuke Shintani • “Watch House” by Todd Slaughter

• Indoor facilities

• 2 restroom facilities in picnic areas • Concrete skate park

• 1 semi-enclosed shelter, two octagonal shelters • Stocked pond with ADA accessible plaza • 3 tennis cour ts

• Vol leybal l cour ts in grass picnic area

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