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Parks and Recreat ion Mas t er P lan

Above: Group shelter with 8 metal picnic tables

Left: View looking west across retention pond toward group shelter

Stormwater management check dam

Bike path connections

Underutilized open space


Open Space Utilization

• Naturalize low-priority lawn areas • Designate uses for open space zones

• Develop random stands of trees along multi-use path Si t e S t ruc t ures

• Construct additional park benches along path/near pond • Consider adding second shelter Si t e Fur n i sh i ngs/P lay Equ ipmen t

• Consider adding ages 2-5 and 5-12 playground structures • Consider adding fitness trail equipment S tormwat er / Resource Managemen t • Naturalize edges of retention pond • Enhance riparian stream buf fer Un i ver sal Acces s

• Provide accessible site furnishings at shelter

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