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Parks and Recreat ion Mas t er P lan

Fenced in park entrance

Playground equipment

Picnic shelter with no handicap accessibility


Park Accessibility

• Provide internal wayfinding signage • Provide multi-use trail linkages to future adjacent neighborhoods Open Space Utilization

• Naturalize low-priority lawn areas Park Functionality

• Provide better shading of existing play areas with supplemental plantings on south/southwest edges Site Furnishings / Play Equipment

• Place universal ly acessible play structure in central location • Implement final features of teh master plan Si t e S t ruc t ures

• Construct additional park shelters/restroom facilities to ser ve central southern areas

• Construct smal l maintenance facility to ser ve park S torm Wat er / Resource Managemen t

• Naturalize edges of retention ponds for runof f filtration/ water fowl management Un i ver sal Acces s

• Provide accessible site furnishings in centralized/high use areas

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