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• Consistent rapid growth in general population

• A growing number of older adults (ages 55+)

• Increasing ethnic diversity

• Increasing dual income families

Census data should be routinely analyzed to identify any shifts in demographics that affect service levels and types. Pro-active

demographic analysis will enable adjustments that align resource allocation with community-based philosophies. The general demographic and recreational trends throughout the

community are fluid and need to be monitored.

Needs Assessments

The City has changed demographically, socially, economically and technologically, as have residents’ expectations of recreational service offerings. During the past decade, the City has had the flexibility to “customize” certain programs in response to resident requests. As a result, the division has developed a service level akin to “all things to all people.”

The declining levels of physical space and increase in demand make it necessary to identify the current baseline of community needs. To establish that baseline, we need to

complete a comprehensive resident survey designed specifically to assess recreational offerings for residents.

A complete inventory of other recreation providers in the area should be developed so we understand what recreational services are available to the public. Potential collaborative partnership opportunities may extend services and eliminate duplication. These two tools will drive operating and capital improvement program funding requests and may indicate the need for additional facilities or other significant resources.

The City is currently developing an inventory and analysis of its current programs. Each program will be analyzed through a program matrix that defines the type of interaction and involvement the program offers to the

community. In this matrix, the delivery of each program will be determined whether it serves and individual or group of individuals. Further, each of the programs will be categorized as one of the four types of involvement: creative; intellectual, physical, or social. Upon completion of this matrix, an analysis can be drawn to conclude whether the types of programs being offered are meeting the various needs of the community.

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