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Vernal pools are the rarest form of wetland. They occur in and adjacent to woodlands and are inhabited by wood frogs, spring peepers, a wide variety of salamanders, fairy shrimp, water beetles and a multitude of other invertebrates. Classically, they are wet in the early and mid-March portion of spring, but dry up by early May. Their preservation is extremely important if amphibian populations are to survive.

All woodlots enhance air and water quality and wildlife diversity. They retain and enrich the soil. Providing walking paths through them allows residents to recreate in a stress-reducing environment while connecting with nature. The same holds true for paths through naturalized meadows and prairies.

Scenic Vistas and Historic Preservation

While preserving and protecting the environment is an obvious public sector stewardship goal, so is preserving the visual character and cultural history of an area.

Dublin has long protected its ties to the area’s early settlement. Through educational materials, site markers, structure preservation, and public art, residents and visitors become

aware of the area’s historic connections to Native Americans and agriculture.

The City routinely evaluates barns, log cabins and other significant historic structures in the way of new developments. If they are structurally sound or can be made sound in a fiscally responsible manner, the City works toward their preservation. Often, staff works with the developer to keep the structure in place as part of the parkland dedication. When that is not practical, some structures have been relocated to public property.

Saving the past ensures a deeper connection with the cultural past and enriched future. Dublin has many areas left that are recognized by the public for their natural scenic appeal. The community has an emotional tie to those sites. Council is committed to preserving those properties that lend scenic beauty to the overall development of Dublin.

Organized Recreational Activity Development

Dublin is a leader in providing high quality team sports facilities. Staff consults and partners with various local youth sports programs to help guide facility development. Those trends and projected needs are used

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