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corridors. This code requires that all streams be protected either by a designated floodway as established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or have a City-established SCPZ. The minimum SCPZ width must be the width of the FEMA-designated 100-year floodway plus 20 feet or, in areas where a floodway has not been designated, a width defined according to the contributing drainage area:

In most instances the SCPZ shall be at the ordinary high water mark on each side of the channel and extend outward, resulting in a total

SCPZ width of two times the minimum SCPZ width (stated in the guidance table on this page) plus the width of the stream.

The following uses are permitted in the SCPZ:

Passive open space uses: Open space uses that are passive in character will be permitted in the SCPZ, including, but not limited to,

recreational activity, removal of damaged and diseased trees, revegetation and reforestation. No use permitted under these regulations will be construed as allowing trespass on privately held lands. Alteration of this natural area is strictly limited. Except as otherwise provided in these regulations, the SCPZ must be preserved in its natural state.

Recreational activity: These activities include passive recreational uses as permitted by federal, state and local laws, such as hiking, non-motorized bicycling, fishing, hunting, picnicking and similar uses, along with associated structures such as boardwalks, pathways constructed of pervious material, picnic tables, playground equipment, athletic fields and wildlife viewing areas.

Removal of damaged or diseased trees:

Damaged or diseased trees may be removed. Because of the potential for felled logs and branches to damage downstream properties, block ditches or otherwise exacerbate flooding,

Contributing drainage area (acres)

SCPZ Width (feet)

Less than 100 25

101-250 38

251-500 50

501-800 63

801-1,200 75

1,201-2,000 88

Greater than 2,000 100

Minimum SCPZ width by contrinuting drainage area of stream

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