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national average) of 10 to 20 acres of parkland per 1,000 residents. As a point of reference, the City of Dublin currently provides 34 acres per 1,000 residents. This ratio is evidence of Dublin’s successful, community-supported policies and implementation strategies.

It is important to recognize that during the past 20 years, the City of Dublin has been both proactive and responsive as a steward of natural resources as well as an industry leader in providing recreation facilities and programs throughout the community.

Engaging community stakeholders and the public throughout the Parks and Recreation Master Plan development process revealed a less tangible perspective of how the park system has performed so far: The community has been and remains extremely satisfied with the performance of the parks and open space, recreation facilities and services the City provides. General public opinion is that City government has prioritized parks and recreation as a highly visible foundation of the community’s growth and development. The public’s satisfaction is evidenced by its support of financial investments in park land acquisition, facility development, recreation program services, operations and maintenance.

In addition, the City recognizes the value of and has supported other public and governmental

entities, private recreational facilities and private providers within the study area. The most noteworthy example is the 1,037-acre Glacier Ridge Metro Park, which is adjacent to the city’s northwest boundaries.

The quantity and size of the 52 parks and 371 acres of open space currently managed by the city provide a limited perspective from which to assess the park system. The location and quality of the parkland resources also are indications of how the system is performing relative to the following criteria, which is unique to the City of Dublin’s growth and development philosophy:

• Provides programmed and non-programmed recreational opportunities

• Is instrumental and effective in preserving water quality throughout Dublin in coordination with City’s storm water master plan

• Is instrumental and effective in preserving and protecting natural resources, including both flora and fauna

• Aids in maintaining the area’s rural character by lessening the visual and physical impact of development

• Provides the ability the reclaim, enhance and manage open space and

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