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Policy 14: Deer populations, their impact on public land and traffic safety will be monitored yearly with any necessary action taken


• Whitetail deer populations may be higher in some areas than state recommended (15 per square mile).

• High deer densities reduce plant diversity in natural areas on public lands.

• High deer densities pose a threat to traffic safety.

• Deer cause damage to park and street trees, resulting in additional cost.

• Deer populations have the potential to double every two years.


• Consider implementing whitetail deer population studies.

• Assess parks for deer damage on a rotating basis.

• Record all damage done by deer in the park system and street trees with monetary totals reported yearly.

• Record and analyze all deer/vehicle incidents, working closely with Division of Police to implement education program.

Policy 15: Canada Geese will be managed on public property


• Canada geese typically nest where they learn to fly, causing numbers to multiply quickly.

• Landscaping around many of the ponds within the City of Dublin promote Canada geese.

• Kentucky blue grass is a primary food source for Canada geese.

• Large numbers of Canada geese promote disease.

• Large amounts of Canada geese manure cause turf damage and water degradation.


• Apply for yearly egg addling permits and file all additional and proper paperwork, including yearly goose complaint report with Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife.

• Consider planting grasses other than Kentucky blue grass around wetlands.

• Promote landscaping changes that include tall vegetation, including naturalized and formal plantings, as Canada geese will not cross high structures during molt.

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