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• Vary heights of dead trees that must be cut so some dead standing wood remains.

• Review ecological assessments and natural features before development, allowing for natural structures such as vernal pools and standing snags to remain.

• Allow some stands of woods to remain undeveloped, without trails.

• Allow for movement of wild animals by providing or maintaining natural corridors when feasible.

Policy 18: Land management, restoration and maintenance will occur whenever feasible to promote proper/healthy ecosystems and therefore wildlife populations;

ecological assessments will be used to determine overall health of areas along with partnerships and resources of outside organizations


• Currently, no formalized management plan exists for natural areas.

• Ecological assessments are currently underused for management plans.


• Partner with outside organizations such as ODNR to develop

management plans for all appropriate natural areas.

• Use City staff with past experience in woodlot maintenance to determine management plans.

• Continue to acquire stream corridors, establishing buffer zones along streams and the Scioto River when possible.

• Promote plantings around ponds, retention basins, detention basins and throughout parks containing native plants beneficial to wildlife.

Policy 19: Manage and maintain parks to ensure wildlife diversity, allowing for change and improvement for habitat and diversity in a way that benefits not only wildlife but also adds to quality of life for Dublin residents


• Allowing for change and

improvement for habitat and diversity benefits not only wildlife but also adds to quality of life for residents of Dublin.

• Habitat can be broken into four parts: food, water, shelter and space. When

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