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Typically, developers are required to construct bike paths as part of their plan approval. Many remaining gaps exist where development has not yet occurred or because a development predates bike path requirements. In those situations, connectivity gaps can be closed through gifting or donating the land to Dublin, or the City can acquire either the land or right-of-way easements on which to construct the pathways.

City Council has a budgetary line item

dedicated to closing gaps that are not otherwise filled by either road projects or new

development. Based on direction from Council, staff prioritizes the gaps to maximize the available funding.

Developing bike paths that parallel main roadways is a City standard. The City incorporates bike path development into all new road construction projects, but Dublin’s bikeway system goes beyond roadways. Bike paths run through most developed City parks, greenways and open spaces. Other public paths are accepted into the system for maintenance purposes but exist on lands owned by various homeowners associations.

Staff meets annually to review the existing and proposed bikeways to update, make corrections, refine the bikeway master plan and determine the next year’s development projects. Land Use

and Long Range Planning staff uses this plan when working with developers to ensure that all the planned connections occur.

Healthy Community and Green Goals

One of Council’s goals is to encourage

residents to adopt healthy lifestyles. One way to achieve this is to provide an integrated park system with an array of diverse natural and scenic environments. The City also wants to develop an environmentally aware community by providing educational opportunities and activities to engage the public in environmentally friendly practices.

Providing pedestrian and bicycle access to these spaces and habitats within the park system is integral to achieving these goals.

While residents are served by bike paths within the parks and neighborhoods, the corporate citizenry also should be served by the right-of-way paths and paths built within the corporate campus and office areas. This citizen base is currently underserved. The City wants to attract and retain businesses and corporations, and they in turn want to invest in their employees’ healthy lifestyles. To do so, the City will review redevelopment plans for partnership

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