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opportunities. Creative financing is one way both businesses and the City can meet their goals for quality work environments. New, renovated and redeveloped business areas and corporate campuses are now being reviewed by Land Use and Long Range Planning for their proximity and connectivity to the existing and planned bikeway system.

Bicycle Friendly Community

Being a pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly community is a charge the City takes seriously. Encouraging non-motorized movement around the City helps residents strengthen and renew their bonds with each other and creates an emotional tie to the community.

The City’s bikeway system is designed to accommodate people riding bicycles for both recreation and transportation.

Recreational riding is facilitated by linking neighborhoods with destination points, parks, schools and shopping districts.

Biking as a practical means of transportation is included in the Mid-Ohio Regional Plan Commission’s (MOPRC) Regional Bicycle Transportation Facilities Plan. Their plan

designates bike routes not only through Dublin but the greater metropolitan area.

Transportation cycling crosses jurisdictions and needs to have oversight by a larger planning body. Dublin is an active MORPC member and cooperates fully with information sharing and planning sessions.

Another way to encourage bicycling as a practical means of transportation is to provide bike racks on Central Ohio Transit Authority buses. The COTA and MORPC have prepared a long-range plan that defined the transit needs for Central Ohio. There is a COTA park-and-ride station east of Riverside Drive on Dale Drive, which services Dublin’s transit needs into the Columbus area. The City will work with COTA to ensure future stations and buses are bicycling friendly when Dublin’s population is large enough to support more bus service.

On-street Bike Lanes

There is some qualitative evidence that more of the population is looking to bicycles as an effective and necessary form of transportation. One option for expanding the bikeway system is to develop an on-street network of lanes and routes that better facilitate utilitarian cycling. The land use element in the Community Plan calls for transportation corridors to be planned as pedestrian/bicycle friendly and be able to

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