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Staff Training

City Council recognizes that by providing funds for ongoing training staff will be able to remain cutting edge and progressive in problem-solving techniques.

There is a recognized need for a wider array of staff input into planning of a more

comprehensive bicycle transportation system. This is currently being achieved by the

inclusion of inhouse advocates bringing a better balance between planners and users.

Bicycle facility planning and design techniques are routinely addressed at the American Institute of Certified Planners, American Public Works, American Society of Landscape Architects, and National Park and Recreation Association conferences. All of those

conferences are well-attended by staff members from the City’s Engineering, Planning, Parks & Open Space and Facilities divisions.

Bike Path Design

When bike paths were emerging as a Council priority, it was determined that developing a network of trails designed to an 8-foot width was preferable to standard 10-foot widths for several reasons, including feasibility for the whole system, associated

construction/maintenance costs and aesthetics.

Much of Dublin is on land with very shallow limestone bedrock. The layout and engineering of a City on shallow bedrock has severe limitations that include navigation of sharp ravines and stabilization of exposed rock ledges. The 8-foot width has allowed the City to develop a more extensive bike path system at a lesser environmental impact.

Promoting Bicycling

There are several ways the City can promote bicycling and pedestrian use of the bikeway system. Specific bike month or bike-to-work programs could be developed. The Division of Police currently offers an annual bike rodeo to teach children bicycle safety.

The City’s website has links to other bicycling events and organizations, as well as copies of the City’s bikeway map. There also is information about how to contact a staff member directly with questions and issues related to the bikeway network. To date, the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

The City also produces a comprehensive bikeway map, available in both printed version and online distribution via the City website. This publication is updated every two years, or

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