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artwork. Depending on the project, either process can be effective. Typically a jury evaluates the qualifications or concepts submitted to determine the most appropriate artist for the specific project.

Invitational call: A limited call for artists, or invitation call, makes use of a panel to identify qualified artists for a particular project. Identified artists are sent information about the project and invited to submit letters of interest and concepts for artworks. The panel then selects the concept that best fits the criteria.

Pre-qualified registry: A pre-qualified registry allows the City to screen artists based upon predefined criteria before determining the scope of an artwork. These artists remain on the registry for one to two years and often are incorporated into design teams for public improvements.

The use of a pre-qualified registry process offers many advantages for City’s public art efforts. First, a call for artists is time and money intensive. By establishing a registry, multiple artists can be identified through one process for future projects. Second, the City maintains an aggressive schedule for design and construction of public improvements.

The registry allows artists to be incorporated when the design team is established and offers

greater opportunity for the artwork to be an integral part of the project.

Third, pre-qualified artists have ample opportunity to familiarize themselves with Dublin, including history, residents and geography that can influence the creative process.

Direct commission: From time to time, the City may identify a specific message and medium for an artwork. Under these

circumstances, the City may choose to seek out a particular artist that can create the artwork. The City may use the services of a broker to find an appropriate artist.

Purchase of existing works: There is an existing inventory of artwork available for purchase throughout the country and abroad. The City may choose to purchase existing pieces based upon the artist or message of the artwork when it falls within guidelines for selection of art in this Plan.

Art in Private Development

Private development can contribute

significantly to the community’s landscape by incorporating artwork into site plans and


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