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building design. The City encourages private development to make art accessible and available to residents, corporate residents and visitors. This encouragement is mutually beneficial for both the City of Dublin and corporate residents as art incorporation can facilitate economic development and

revitalization while contributing to the unique atmosphere already in place around the City.

Legal Considerations

Dublin is committed to working with artists to find mutually beneficial ways to address legal and design considerations affecting art to ensure the works are promoted in ways that support the artists’ vision and meet Community Art Plan goals. The City must balance the assignment of copyright and liability that protects the City’s interests with artistic expression. Through a collaborative approach to legal considerations the City may obtain commissioned works at lower costs and gain a

greater appreciation for the rights of artists.

The Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990 (VARA) protects the moral rights of visual artists. Three main rights are covered. This legislation specifically covers visual artworks such as painting, drawing, painting, sculpture and photographic images for exhibition purposes, all signed or have identifying mark of the artist.

Rights of attribution: Gives acknowledgement to the artist as the creator of the artwork

Rights of disassociation: Prevents the namesake of the artist being linked to artwork they did not create, or to artwork that has been altered since creation that would be harmful to the artist’s reputation.

Right to integrity: Protects the physical condition of the artworks from instances such as intentional distortion, mutilation, modification, or destruction that could be harmful to the artist’s reputation.


Policies, Issues and Strategies

Policy 1: Integrate public art into major public improvements.


• Art is an afterthought in many design processes.

• Public improvements follow a rigorous design and construction schedule and art may be viewed as delaying these improvements.

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