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A city cannot be a community if it does not remember and respect its

history. Although a large majority of Dublin has been developed since the 1970s, there remain important areas of historic significance within the city. Many of these areas are within Dublin’s parks and recreational areas, and efforts must be made today to preserve these for future generations.

This chapter provides guidance in ways that areas and items of historic interest can be used to educate, entertain and preserve our heritage.

Goals of Historic Preservation

In Dublin, the goals of preservation of areas and items of historic significance are to:

• Celebrate the history and cultural diversity of the community

• Support the educational and economic endeavors of the community

• Preserve significant parts of our culture and heritage for future generations

• Contribute to the character and landscape of the community

• Be accessible to all residents and visitors

• Promote tourism

Dublin Historical Society

A foundation for historic preservation and promotion exists in the Dublin Historical Society, housed in the Fletcher Coffman Homestead at Coffman Park.


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