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The Dublin Historical Society’s mission is to discover, collect and preserve documents and materials relevant to the history of Dublin and the surrounding area. The Society displays these materials at the Fletcher Coffman House and barn, 6659 Emerald Parkway, adjacent to Coffman Park. Further, the Society plays a role in identifying, marking and encouraging preservation of historic sites and buildings in and around Dublin. The Society encourages the study of and an appreciation for Dublin history.

The Society’s long-term goals include creating a museum to display and archive its holdings and to host meetings and events. The Society also hopes to maintain the Coffman Homestead in perpetuity. In the past, consideration has been given to incorporating such an exhibit space into a new municipal building. That facility is not currently in the City’s Capital Improvements Plan. Other locations suggested by the Society include the 1919 Building, the current Dublin Library or at a site within Historic Dublin.

It is mutually beneficial for the City to help assure the continued existence and operation of the Society as a significant partner in maintaining Dublin’s heritage.

Educational and

informational resources

A tool that may be used to enhance existing educational and informational resources is a kiosk or signage within Dublin parks and historic sites. Such signs should be unobtrusive and meet Dublin aesthetic and design standards, but would allow educational information about Dublin history and heritage to be presented at appropriate locations. Examples of the kinds of areas that might benefit from such signage include the cabin at M.L. “Red” Trabue Park, cemeteries, Indian Run Falls, the Historic District and historically significant buildings.

Dublin should continue to work with local school districts to provide historical

information about the community as part of the district’s curriculum.

Preservation of

Historically Significant Locations

It is of long-term importance for the City to encourage and support the identification and preservation of historically significant sites.

The City maintains numerous cemeteries. Many had fallen into disrepair over time, and there

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