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Household Type and Size

Dublin experienced a surge of new housing construction during the 1990s. The total number of housing units increased from 5,923 units in 1990 to more than 12,040 units in 2000. The city is continuing to grow at a rapid pace. The median housing value experienced a 40 percent increase in just the last six years — from $243,200 in 2000 to $347,633 in 2006. Rental housing consists of about 20 percent of the Dublin housing market. The median housing value experienced a 40 percent increase in just the last six years, from $243,200 in 2000 to $347,633 in 2006.

The average household size in Dublin is 2.8 people, compared to 2.5 for the metropolitan

area. This was a 5 percent decrease from 1990. The 2000 Census found that 77 percent of the households in Dublin are “families,” which reflects the attractiveness of the community for younger families with children.The City, in general, has a significantly higher percentage of family and married-couple households than does the metropolitan area as a whole.


Median household income in Dublin is $91,162, which is more than twice that of the metropolitan area, according to the 2000 Census. Per capita income is also substantially higher than the MSA average. Dublin has a higher percentage of people employed in better paying managerial and professional


2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2020

Using 5% growth projection

31,392 38,909 41,148 43,310 45,713 48,089 50,617

Using 10% growth every 5 years

31,392 38,909 42,800 47,080 51,788 56,967 62,663

Using 15% growth every 5 years

31,392 38,909 44,745 51,457 59,176 68,052 78,260

Columbus MSA 1,612,837 1,708,625 1,806,740 1,901,640 2,007,170 2,111,500 2,222,490

Sources: Ohio Department of Development, Office of Strategic Research; BWR

Table 2B: Dublin Population Projection (2000-2030)

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