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• For planning purposes, be knowledgeable about gender preferences related to Parks and Recreation services.

• For planning purposes, analyze the preferences by citizens relative to their age group.

Policy 1: The Parks and Open Space and Recreation Services divisions will work collectively in full pursuit of their mission and goals.


• There is a need for better organizational structure and communications that integrate the resources of Parks and Open Space with Recreation Services divisions.


• Ensure that recreation programming needs are considered during new park development processes.

• Ensure coordination between recreational programming and maintenance in relation to sports fields and other park facilities.

• Ensure unified direction to benefit both divisions by providing a common vision and integrate the divisions’ resources in their pursuit of full implementation of Council goals.

Policy 2: The City’s provision of recreation facilities and services are provided for general recreation and will benefit large segments of the population. The private sector or special interest groups may be accommodated where possible with existing available resources; however, the City will not typically be

responsible for providing facilities and services for limited, competitive, private or other alternative types of activities. Residents, corporate citizens and visitors are welcome to enjoy the benefits offered by recreating in an attractive setting at all public parks and facilities. General public access to specific amenities and/or sites may be restricted due to special events, structured programs or permitted activities approved by the City.


• There are perceptions among various groups in the community that it is the City’s responsibility to expand its offerings to accommodate additional levels of service.


Organizational Analysis

Chapter 3

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