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• Identify instances where the City believes these perceptions exist and create a formal partnership policy to manage expectations of the City and its customers. This should include:

• Criteria used to determine the need to create a partnership • A formal annual review of the partnership agreement. The annual review ensures issues are addressed on a timely basis and that all parties are aware of anything that detracts from the continuity of the agreement, such as new leadership, etc.

• Detailed expectations of both parties

• Quantified contributions of both parties

• Language to ensure City commitments of resources to other parties is minimized

Policy 3: As the park system ages and new trends appear, the City must be prepared to abandon an asset, replace it with an alternate design or renovate it.


• There are no formal guidelines to address renovation or abandonment.

• Emphasis on renovation is a lower priority than new development.


• Develop a more formalized process to analyze existing parks and amenities to ensure the design and offerings meet the needs of its users.

• Adopt a guideline to address those instances when renovation or abandonment should be considered.

Policy 4: The City will develop and implement performance measures for the divisions.


• There is a lack of a formalized performance measures for Parks and Open Space and Recreation Services.


• Implement a more formalized process for performance measurement.

• Evaluate the potential implementation of the International City/County Management Association's (ICMA) Comparative Performance Measurement Program, which has significant measurement indicators for both divisions.


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