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compilation of park statistics and photos, as well as a digital database to be used by Parks and Open Space, Recreation Services, Land Use and Long Range Planning and GIS (Geographical Information Services) staffs to catalog park amenities, service requests and budget allocations. Continue conducting community assessments to identify the specific needs of the community and fully understand how the current inventory of parks is accommodating those needs.

Policy 1: A division-wide marketing plan will be developed to will be in line with philosophies, resource allocation, marketing-related policies and procedures and strategies for individual program areas and services.


• The division must develop consistent management practices that outline strategies on various administrative levels to be more proactive in managing services.


• Specify unified standards to ensure unified branding incorporation in promotional pieces.

• Create a separate marketing budget, outlining objectives and timeline.

• Develop detailed marketing strategies related to program area objectives.

• Broaden the promotion scope from program-specific messaging to the benefits of active involvement in recreation programs.

• Brand Recreation Services as the source for leisure experiences with outcomes that address social, individual and economic benefits.

• Consider marketing materials in multiple languages to better serve the community.

• Develop evaluation tools to measure marketing success.

Policy 2: The division must design and administer comprehensive evaluative processes to chart success related to community expectations, division-wide goals, program area objectives and individual program success.



Chapter 5

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