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• Take leadership in the park planning process, balancing

neighborhood/resident desires with community needs.

• Support and apply philosophies and strategies in the Community Plan, Parks and Recreation Master Plan, and Council goals when developing parks and open space.

• Educate staff to inform the public on the importance of good planning and environmental stewardship.

Policy 4: Seek to understand the needs of potential partners in order to develop mutually beneficial partnership relationships


• Untapped partnership opportunities could exist to facilitate park development.


• Gain an understanding of the goals and visions of agencies, corporations and organizations where partnership experiences can be developed that will be mutually advantageous.

• Continue existing partnerships to extend land, amenities, facilities and

recreational programming to the public.

Policy 5: Balance park design between Recreation Services and Parks and Open Space needs


• Park planning and development is based in Parks and Open Space, and does not necessarily take Recreation Services’ needs, capabilities and opportunities into full consideration.


• Explore organizational opportunities that make the results of park development a shared vision of the two divisions.

Policy 1: Close gaps in bike path system


• Gaps exist in the bikeway network.


Bikeway and Pedestrian Linkage

Chapter 9

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