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• Continue to focus on gap closure for increased path connectivity as a budgetary priority.

• Continue to review and update the bikeway plan annually.

Policy 2: Link Dublin system with those of other entities


• Trails are not widely linked with the more regional greenway network and other cities’ bike path systems.


• Develop a better understanding of other entities’ bikeway systems.

• Work with other entities in the planning process to facilitate connectivity between systems.

Policy 3: Improve connectivity of commercial developments


• Commercial areas, including office parks, are not necessarily well-served by the bikeway system.


• Plan review of future commercial developments must assure bike paths serve the function of providing access to the site for the general public and that the site itself is well-served internally.

• Review existing areas for potential linkages and work with property owners to develop plans to address lack of connectivity to the overall City system.

Policy 4: Determine desirability of bike lanes


• Bike lanes are not in existence as programmed within Dublin.

• Bike lanes constructed parallel to bike paths might be perceived as wasteful and excessive.

• In certain places, bike lanes may be the only viable option where construction issues exist.


• Evaluate and discuss the merits and limitations of bike lanes to determine if changes to existing practices should occur.


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