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Policy 3: Establish a consistent practice for determining whether proposed artists and artwork meet selection, siting, and donation criteria.


• Current development code requires many potential public art sites to be reviewed by Planning and Zoning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals and, if in Historic Dublin, Architectural Review Board.


• Amend the City’s zoning code to relieve land use advisory bodies from this responsibility and to provide direction regarding who reviews public art and when it is reviewed.

• Identify a subcommittee of Dublin Arts Council board or a citizen task force for evaluating proposed administrative practices and make recommendations regarding selection, copyright, maintenance and other public art management practices.

Policy 4: The City and the Dublin Arts Council will maintain an ongoing dialogue and opportunities for resident involvement in the City’s public art efforts.


• The City’s Art Collection lacks promotion and education of works obtained outside of the Dublin Art in Public Places program™.

• There are limited means for gathering input from the community.


• Incorporate information about visual artworks into more City publications.

• Develop a printed and online catalog of City-owned works.

• Work with Dublin Arts Council and Dublin Convention and Visitors Bureau to attract visitors and create a docent program.

• Encourage residents to interact with artists as they formulate designs.

• Hold events directly celebrating public art.

• Celebrate public art indirectly with events at existing art venues.

• Spark input by adding an online forum on the City of Dublin’s Website for residents and visitors.

Policy 5: Adopt standards for maintenance and de-accessioning.


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