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• No minimum maintenance standards are incorporated into the selection process.

• Art is selected without full knowledge of the necessary maintenance and the resources needed to maintain works as envisioned by the artist.

• Some works of art require significant, and unanticipated, upkeep.

• Formal maintenance standards are not developed in cooperation with the artist.

• There are no established criteria or standards set for the de-accession of an artwork.


• Create minimum maintenance standards for all works of art to aid in the selection of appropriate art.

• Work with artists to identify necessary maintenance before acquisition.

• Determine criteria and standards for the de-accession of artworks, including but not limited to instances where the City is unable to keep up with excessive or unreasonable maintenance, artworks that are found

to be fraudulent/not authentic, or artworks which hold a physical threat to public safety.

Policy 6: Loaned or gifted art will compliment the high quality artwork in the City’s permanent collection.


• There is no structured mechanism to support donation or loan of art to the City’s collection


• Create guidelines that establish criteria for evaluating whether gifts or loaned art are of high quality and in line with the goals of public art in the community.

Policy 7: The City and the Dublin Arts Council, in partnership with others, have the responsibility to increase the availability of art in the community.


• The City’s visual art collection should have more variety in media, context, and location and have additional works added regularly.


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