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Park Maintenance

Chapter 12 Strategies

• Continue working with Dublin Schools on curriculum-appropriate information.

• Create information signage at appropriate locations.

• Continue and expand promotion of the availability of Dublin’s Journey

history book.

• Work with the DCVB, DHS and other organizations to incorporate history into economic development, public art and tourism efforts.

• Work with bicentennial planners to ensure historic components to celebration.

Policy 6: Adopt standards for historic preservation.


• Historically significant areas are not always protected by local ordinance or standards.


• Review zoning and development standards to ensure preservation.

Policy 1: The division is responsible for longevity and safety of City-owned art displays in parks and public spaces.


• Art in Public Places has been subject to vandalism and theft. Public art has become damaged or is in premature need of repair due to design issues.


• Staff has been instructed to file a police report any time vandalism occurs. This information can be used by the Division of Police to compile reports and statistics to be passed along to patrol officers.

• Any graffiti is removed within 24 hours to deter additional vandalism.

• Parks and Recreation staff should have the opportunity to provide input in project design review and location selection. Given this opportunity staff could offer alternatives to reduce the artworks’ exposure to vandalism or identify potential maintenance issues with the design while ensuring the art

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