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fits in with programmed uses of the space.

Policy 2: Bike path maintenance begins with the Grounds Maintenance staff inspect the condition of the bike path system. The inspection is reviewed by Parks staff and forwarded to the Assistant City Engineer. Minor repairs and maintenance are completed by the Grounds Maintenance staff.


• There is often confusion on which division (Engineering/Parks) is responsible for specific repairs to the bike path system. Communication between the divisions must be improved.


• Representatives of both divisions should meet routinely to review and update progress on repairs, maintenance issues and inspection findings.

Policy 3: The City of Dublin will not allow encroachment of private

property onto City-owned parkland or open space.


• Park encroachment investigations and inspections are done on a complaint and report basis, rather than on a regular basis. Inspections are not completed in a timely manner due to higher priority work.


• Parks and Open Space will perform an annual inspection of encroachment for all City-owned property. Complaint-initiated inspections are handled as they are received. Staff will verify the complaint and issue the occupant of the property a letter of findings is an encroachment is discovered. Once the letter has been issued, the occupant has 14 days to comply with removal of the infraction. Staff will reinspect the property after the 14-day period. If the infraction is still present the issue will be turned over to Code Enforcement for resolution.

• Annual inspections must be considered a priority. Specific timelines will be established to ensure the inspections are completed. Staff will be assigned to the project until completion. Assigned staff will be responsible for following up with Code Enforcement, which will submit a report of findings after completion of the inspection.

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