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- 1 6 8 -

Ci t y of Dubl i n

SCIOTO PARK (14.00 acres)

7377 Riverside Dr ive




Community Park Amphiteater City Facility Natural Area


Play Area / Tot Lot

Public Art Restrooms Shelter / Gazebo Sledding hill Specialty Garden Volleyball


• Developed

• Wood deck and block seating wal l • Cel l tower disquised as a tree • Par tial ly wooded riparian corridor • Scioto River

• 90 parking spaces/ 6 HC spaces

• Play equipment provided for 2-5 and 5-12 year old age groups

• “Leatherlips” by Ralph Helmick • Central ly located pit toilet facility • 3 shelters with gril ls & picnic tables • Grass slope • Butter fly garden

• Grass vol leybal l in lower play area

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