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citizen and staff ownership and understanding of their natural surroundings

• Understanding Dublin’s natural history

• Natural resources such as the Scioto

River, ponds, grasslands and woodlots for the enjoyment of residents

• Education and involvement through classes and workshops, events and volunteer opportunities

Policy 1: Ensure the continued health of waterways


• There is a perception that the rivers, streams and creeks within the City limits are degrading.


• Develop a water quality monitoring program.

• Introduce bank stabilization plant material.

• Introduce buffer areas.

• Develop a formal plan or program for periodic monitoring of waterways to detect point and non-point source pollution, using staff trained in water quality monitoring. Only by locating the degrading areas can Dublin determine what the root cause is and develop a corrective action strategy.

• A riparian buffer action plan should be implemented after areas are identified that need immediate attention because they are either high quality and need preservation or are in a state of rapid degradation.

Policy 2: Develop a formalized plant community management plan


• Numerous floristic/ecological assessments have been generated for public lands in Dublin. The information in those assessments is being used for development purposes only. They are not being used as plant community management tools.


• Develop a formalized plant

community management plan, goals and action plan.

Policies, Issues and Strategies

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