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• Use inventory information when setting priorities.

• Distribute all of the information, management plan, goals and action plan throughout the City and archive information on the network.

Policy 3: Protect and create access to stream corridors on private land


• Many stream corridors exist on private property and therefore fall under limited public protection and control.

• Connectivity via trails has been a long-standing City goal.


• Attempts should be made to gain public access (easements) to allow for additional connectivity where stream corridors are on private land situated between public land sections.

• Work with private land owners to encourage wise management

practices that protect and enhance the stream corridors area.

Policy 4: Protect vernal pools


• Vernal pools, located in wet woods, are the rarest form of wetland. Wet woodlots are scattered around the City. Both publicly and privately owned vernal pools are threatened by degradation, encroachment and development.


• Prioritize the acquisition and management of vernal pools.

• Continue educating the public on the presence and importance of vernal pools.

• Develop goals, inventories, assessments and action plans for preserving and protecting vernal pools.

Policy 5: Develop tactics that encourage healthy pond ecosystems


• Excessive fertilizer run-off from surrounding properties contributes to excessive weed and algae growth within ponds.

• Most ponds are not currently designed to accommodate wetland

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