2014 City of Dublin Annual Report - page 35

Ballantrae -
Dunmere -
WellingtonPlace -
LlewellynFarms -
RiverHighlands -
ParkPlace -
TheCityalso fostered resident relationships andcommunication through twoneighborhood
associationmeetings –one in the springandone in the fall. Themeetingswerebothwell-
attended,withmore than60neighborhoods represented. Attendees learned important updates
onpublic safetyandcrimeprevention, improvement projects, communityenhancements and
City services,whilealsogetting thechance toaskquestions and interactwithCityemployees.
CommunityRelations alsocontinued too er popular blockpartypackages, a free service that
nearly50neighborhoodassociations tookadvantageof in2014.
TheCommunityRelations teamalso launchedapopular socialmediacampaignwith the theme
of“Dublin isHome.” It helped foster engagement amongDublin residents, employees and fans.
TheCityused thehashtag#dublinishome tobrandmessagesdistributed throughvarious social
networkingplatforms, andalso togather andgauge socialmediacomments from thepublic.
CityCouncil awardeda total of $22,682.51 to sixneighborhoodassociations that applied for the
2014BeautifyYourNeighborhoodGrant. Thegrantsprovide fundingassistanceandprofessional
support for high-quality, sustainablebeauti cationprojects that bene t andenhance the
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