Dublin isbuilt through thehardworkanddedicationof committedpublic servants, visionary leaders andengagedcitizens.
In2014, theCitycontinued to increase resident andcorporate involvement involunteer e orts that supported special events,
parks andenvironmental projects, recreational opportunities, neighborhoodupkeepandbeauti cation, ando ceand
departmental support. Volunteers alsoprovideCity sta withvaluable feedbackand input.
TheCityofDublinVolunteer Resources collaborateswith local nonpro t groups toensure theproductiveuseofDublin’s
volunteer community. New initiatives in2014 increased involvement inmanyof its establishedendeavors.
TheDublinBicycleAmbassadors volunteer programcontinues toenhanceCity services and safebicyclingadvocacy. Forty- ve
volunteers cover about 1,200miles amonthon theDublinmulti-usepath systemandonCity streets. Theyo er directions, help
withproper bikehelmet tting, checkand reportmaintenance issues for City sta to followupon, rewardchildrenwhowear
their safetyhelmets and serveasoverall ambassadors for safebicycling in theDublincommunity.
CommunityServiceO cers are skilledvolunteerswhoextendand support thee ortsof theDublinDivisionof Police. All CSOs
aregraduatesof theDublinCitizens PoliceAcademy. In2014, the teamgrew toamembershipof 14. Their e orts supported
major special events, police initiatives, vacationhousechecks, vehicle lockouts and safetyawareness e orts. The team received
thePresident’sVolunteer ServiceAward inApril of 2014, recognizing the inaugural group for itsoutstanding service.
TheCityofDublinopenedacommunitygarden in the springof 2014atDarreeFields Park. Volunteer Servicesworkedwith
Parks andOpenSpace to trainandprovideavolunteer teamof eight trainedadults to serveasmentors toDublin’s rst
CommunityGardeners. The team spent countlesshourshelpinggardenersof all ages andexperience levels, aswell as
observingand reportinggardeningprogress.
Avolunteer teamwasassembled toplant,maintainandharvest apreviouslyvoidgarden space inCo manParkadjacent toThe
HistoricCo manHomestead. Volunteersplantedand sowednearly300poundsofproduce forTheDublinFoodPantry,while
docents fromTheDublinHistorical Society included thegardenon their visitor toursasanexampleof landuse in the late1800s.
volunteersparticipated in theMartinLutherKing, Jr.Dayof Serviceproject
volunteershelpedwith the2014Dublin IrishFestival
retention rates for special event volunteers
individualsawarded thePresident’sVolunteer ServiceAward