Shier Rings Road - Corridor Study - page 19

Access management involves coordinating
and balancing the need to provide
appropriate access to individual sites with
the needs of the regional transportation
network. Goals for access management
include: ensuring safety, preserving
function and mobility, and managing
existing and future access in a regular and
consistent manner.
Successful access management strategies
require careful planning and anticipation
of future development needs. Well-
designed access systems can contribute to
community character, advance economic
development goals, and protect the City’s
investment in local roads. This plan’s access
management strategies, described below,
will create a safe, efficient, and more
visually appealing transportation corridor
along Shier Rings Road.
1. Primary access tonewdevelopment sites
should come from a system of internal
collector roads, with consolidated access
points to Shier Rings Road.
2. Roundabouts
intersections when warranted (with
sufficiently high traffic counts and new
development) will be targeted where
new internal roadway systems intersect
with Shier Rings Road.
3. Direct
be coordinated with the City of
Driveways shall be properly spaced
from intersections to avoid impairing
intersection function.
4. A center median on segments of Shier
Rings Road between Avery Road and
the future realignment of Shier Rings
Road will assist with managing turning
movements in an aesthetic manner.
Median breaks, where appropriate, will
allow for left turns to and from specific
The City of Dublin’s 2010 Bicycle Advisory Task Force
studied the Shier Rings Road corridor in the context
of the City’s overall bicycle network and a series of
recommendations were incorporated into the City’s
Bikeway Master Plan within the Dublin Community Plan.
In addition to shared use path connections, the Task
Force recommended that Shier Rings Road include a
dedicated on-street bicycle lane. See Street sections on
pages 21-23.
The following design guidelines include the Bicycle
Advisory Task Force’s recommendations.
1. Five-foot wide bicycle lanes are recommended on
Shier Rings Road between Emerald Parkway and the
future northward realignment of Shier Rings Road to
provide a direct east-west connection for bicyclists
in this area.
2. Eight-foot wide shared-use paths exist alongportions
of the Shier Rings Road corridor. The shared-use path
system should be completed for the full extent of
Shier Rings Road Corridor. The shared use paths will
be implemented on the south side of the roadway to
complement the sidewalk on the north side.
3. A five foot sidewalks or similar pedestrian facility
should be provided on the north side of the roadway,
for the full extent of the Shier Rings Road corridor to
complement the shared use paths provided on the
south side.
Most conflicts occur at intersections where motorists,
pedestrians, and bicyclists cross paths. Proper
intersection design makes it easy for users of all modes
of transportation to safely proceed. A combination
of roundabouts and signalized intersections will be
implemented at various intersections through the Shier
Rings Road corridor where warranted.
1. There is an existing roundabout at the intersections
of Shier Rings Road with Cosgray Road, traffic testing
has been competed for the Shier Rings Road / Avery
Road intersection. Roundabouts will be analyzed
at the remaining intersections; however, the best,
most appropriate form of traffic control will selected
for each intersection. The final design of each
roundabout will vary; however, each will provide
appropriate pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
2. Other intersections with Shier Rings Road are likely
to be controlled either by two-way stop sign, with
the potential for future signals when warranted, or
limited to right in, right out by the installation of a
central median. Actual intersection designs will be
determined with the City and with property owners
as properties are developed and/or when roadway
improvements are made.
3. Signs in the public realm will be per established City
Standards; Private signs will conform to the City Sign
The City engaged in a wayfinding and gateway visioning
study in 2015. The result of the study was the design
of a wayfinding system and identification of gateway
locations where infrastructure and signage would
enhance Dublin’s identity for residents, businesses and
visitors. The process followed the following phases:
• Identify enhancement opportunities (current + future)
• Define a structure for connection (kit of parts)
• Develop a signature regional identity
• CREATE a signature regional identity establishing
Dublin as a work of art
• CONNECT visitors from Highway to Hallway
• ENHANCE the visitor experience by creating a unique
sense of place.
As growth and development continue along Shier Rings
Road Corridor, specific intersections may be identified
to receive additional gateway improvements.
Specific design recommendations will be made to City
Council and incorporated into Capital Improvement
Plan improvements on a project by project basis.
Design Recommendations | Design
1...,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 20,21,22,23,24,25
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