City of Dublin, Ohio, USA - 2013 Annual Report - page 3

In2013, theCityofDublin, Ohio, USA, hostedThePresidentsCup…washonoredasoneof
theTop100SafestCities in thecountry…tookaction tocompleteEmeraldParkwaywith the
eighthandfinal phase…secured funding tobegin the270-33 interchange improvement
project 12years aheadof schedule.
While theseaccomplishments –andmanyothers –arewell-receivedandgiveusgreat
pride, thedesignationwevalue themost isbeing knownas theCity that our residents and
businesses call home.
Dublin ishome… tomore than43,000 residentswhohaveanumber ofwonderful cities
fromwhich tochoosewhendecidingwhere theywant to liveand raise their families.
Dublin ishome… tomore than3,000businesseswhoseoptions aremanyandvaried, and
who seek communitieswilling tobepartners in their success.
Dublin ishome… toworld-class special events suchasThePresidentsCup2013,
theMemorial Tournament, andour annual Dublin IrishFestival.
Our focus isonensuring that our Citycontinues tobe theone that youareproud tocall your
hometown, nowand into the future.
Our goal is togrowalongwithyou,which iswhywe’veembarkedonplans to transform the
BridgeStreetDistrict, toprovide the typeof housing,workplaceandgathering spots youdesire.
Our commitment is to takeaproactiveapproach tofinding solutions for vital infrastructure
improvements, including the I-270/US33 interchange,which isbeing fast-trackedwith funding
from theOhioDepartment ofTransportation,Mid-OhioRegional PlanningCommissionand the
But don’t just takeourword for it; throughout this annual report, you’ll haveachance to read
what our residents andcorporatecitizenshave to sayabout theCity that youand I call home.
Marsha I. Grigsby
Marsha I.Grigsby
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