While theCity is focusingon thehighvisibilityandpotential of theSciotoRiver corridor andHistoric
District, developers and landowners throughout theBridgeStreetDistrict continue to introducebold
ideas, robust energyandgreat vision.
There is significant interest and strongmomentumwith the local andnational development
community. Therealso is strong interest fromour residents andbusiness community. Socialmedia,
onlineeducation, traditionalmedia, attitude surveys andcommunity forumswereused to share
informationand to solicit feedback. The resultsof the January2013DublinCommunitySurveywere
generallyconsistentwith the results from theOctober 2013CommunityForumSurvey. Highlightsof
community forumaudience survey indicate:
One in threeattendeeswas very familiarwith theBridgeStreetDistrict vision, andmore than
halfwere somewhat familiar
Two thirdsof theattendeeswereveryenthusiasticabout theBridgeStreetDistrict, andonly6%
werenot enthusiastic
Approximately93%of attendees age35or younger responded that theywere “very
enthusiastic”about theBridgeStreetDistrict, alongwith62%of attendeesover age54
A strongmajorityof attendeesbelieved that theplans andprojectspresentedare
consistentwith thegoals andvision for theBridgeStreetDistrict
TheBridgeStreetDistrict radiates adiversityandvitality thatmark it as a special placenot only
withinDublin, butwithin the region, thenationand theworld.
“This isawesome, can’t
for it all to