Shier Rings Road - Corridor Study - page 18

Design Recommendations | Design
The architectural styles along the Shier Rings Road
Corridor and within the study area can best be described
as eclectic, from historic farm houses to single story
offices and industrial warehouses to the contemporary
Washington Township Fire Station. Uses vary as greatly
as the styles and include residential, office, industrial
with most buildings housing both office and industrial
Architectural style should reflect the proposed use types
through a simple contemporary design. Buildings or
sites withmultiple use types should present a pedestrian
scale building facade facing Shier Rings Road with larger
scale uses and access on the side or rear facades. Local
examples of contemporary industrial architecture:
New developments should avoid blank facades along
the corridor.
The architectural styles for the residential districts are
guided by the planned development text and zoning
While architecture is critical to establishing the overall
character of the built environment, the setting in which
buildings and public improvements are sited equally
contribute to the first impression of an area.
1. Street trees should be planted at regular intervals
within a generous tree lawn (typically a minimum of
six feet wide) to provide visual continuity along the
Shier Rings Road corridor. Street tree species should
be selected based on mature height and spread as
well as general habit, due to potential conflicts with
overheadutility lines (until the lines areburied). Street
tree selections shall be made from the preferred tree
list which can be sourced from the City Forester.
2. Whether formal or natural, landscapes should be
designed to complement the architecture, screen
unwanted views andbe easilymaintained. Preserving
existing wooded areas is preferred to extensive
unused lawn areas. Plant selection should consist of
native and adaptive native plant species. Invasive
species are not permitted per City horticultural
3. Open space amenities should be provided where
possible to allow employees to engage with the
outdoors. Examples include patio, tables and chairs,
recycle & waste bins, bike storage, paths on site and
connections to the City sidewalks and paths.
4. Sustainable site details should be implemented
where ever possible, such as pervious pavements,
rain barrels, green roofs or solar panels.
City staff can provide guidance to design professionals
during the site development process.
The study area consist of three neighborhood business
districts and residential communities and a variety of
zoning types.
The Emerald Corridor District:
• TF: Technology Flex
The Shier Rings Tech/Flex District:
• TF: Technology Flex
• ID-1: Research Office District
• CC: Community Commercial District
• SO: Suburban Office and Institutional District
• NC: Neighborhood Commercial District
• PUD: Planned Unit Development District
West Innovation District:
• TF: Technology Flex
• ID-1: Research Office District
• ID-2: Research Flex District
• ID-3: Research Assembly District
• ID-4: Research Mixed Use District
• ID-5: Research Recreation District
Non-business Neighborhoods:
• PCD: Planned Unit Development District - residential
• PLR: Planned Low Density Residential District
The Zoning Code for Dublin is Chapter 153 of the
Dublin Code of Ordinances. The Zoning Code sets land
development requirements and establishes different
uses within individual districts. Zoning regulations
address the physical development of a site. The complete
Dublin City Code is available on-line at the City’s website.
experience created by the Design of the
roadway infrastructure and architecture
and landscape for the surrounding
development. The Shier Rings Road
corridor currently displays an eclectic
mix of development character, owing to
the different land uses and time periods
in which properties were developed,
in addition to piecemeal roadway
infrastructure improvements.
The design recommendations in this
section are intended to provide for a
cohesive design character along the
entire roadway while recognizing and
accommodating the diverse land uses
that use this roadway corridor on a daily
basis. This is accomplished through
recommendations specific to the
, the
public realm
in and around
the roadway, and recommendations for
site improvements
on properties as they
develop or redevelop.
The vision for a unified Shier Rings Road
corridor was articulated by the community
through this and prior planning efforts,
as well as an understanding of existing
conditions and forethought given to future
development opportunities by City staff.
In addition to feedback from the
community, the foundations for the
roadway character recommendations are
based on the Traditional Dublin Character
roadway character designation, described
on page 15. The roadway character
elements are complemented by the
zoning regulations as applied by zoning
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