AMessage fromCityManagerDanaMcDaniel
2014was apivotal year for theCityofDublin– setting the foundation for our future inmanyways.
Itwas ayear that saw former CityManagerMarshaGrigsbyannounceher retirement after 25yearsof service to the
community. Grigsby–who served rst as nancedirector and later asCitymanager –helpedmakemanyof the
decisions that set thecourse forDublin’spast, present and future.
These includenearlyeveryphaseof EmeraldParkway–Dublin’s transformational connecting thoroughfare,whichwas
completed inDecember –aswell as acquiring the land for key infrastructure improvements expected toget underway
As your newCitymanager, I amhonored tohave theopportunity to support our community incarrying theseplans
forward.My27-year historywith theCity informsmyunderstandingof theCity services that our residents value,
dependonandexpect – fromexpedient snow removal tohigh-qualityamenities and reliable roadwaynetworks that
driveour economy.
This year,wewill begin theRiversideDrive improvement project that includes a roundabout at StateRoute161anda
realignment southofTuller Road. This represents thecommitment ofmanyCityCouncils, past andpresent, to secure
green spacealong theSciotoRiver in thecoreof our City,while improving tra cability. Planningandpublic input
continue forwhatwill becomeawonderful cityparkalongour riverfront.
At the same time, improvements tomodernize Interstate270and theU.S. Route33 interchangewill takeplace–
marking the rstmajor improvements since itwasbuilt four decades ago.
Muchas EmeraldParkwaywas a roadway18years in themaking, building the futureofDublin takesprecision,
persistenceandpatience. Our goal is tobalance theheritageandcharacter ofDublin’spastwith theenergyand
enthusiasm thatwill set the stage for our future.
Asweembarkupon thesenewventures,wewill take time tocelebratewhatmakesDublinuniqueand theonlyplace
wechoose tocall home– fromour outstandingpark systems to theone-of-a-kindDublin IrishFestival andour second-
to-nonebusiness community.
Looking forward tobuildingour future together,