EmeraldParkwaycompleted - extensionof EmeraldParkway fromRiversideDrive toBillingsleyCreek, includinga
roundabout at Bright Road
DublinRoad/GlickRoad intersection– installationof new tra c signal, left-turn lanes, storm sewers, LED street lights,
asphalt shared-usepaths and sidewalks (cooperativeprojectwith theVillageof ShawneeHills, DelawareCountyand theOhio
Department ofTransportation)
AcademicDrive–constructionof 650 feet of 4-laneboulevard roadwaywithconcretecurbandgutter, bike lanes, asphalt
shared-usepath, concrete sidewalk, brickpavers,watermain, storm sewer andLED street lights
Muir eldVillageWater line replacements – replacement of existing3-inchwater lineswithnew6-inchductile ironwater
lines and installationof newwater hydrants
RiversideDrive/HardRoad intersection–constructionof anorthbound right turn laneonRiversideDrive toeastbound
HardRoad including tra c signalmodi cations, concretecurbandgutter, asphalt pavingandLED street lights
Muir eldDrivebike lanes andpedestrianbridges –creationof a5-footwidebike laneover a total project lengthof
approximately9,200 feet beginning just northof theNorthFork IndianRunandending just southofGlickRoad. The
project also included the installationof two67-foot longpre-fabricatedpedestrianbridges andan8-footwideasphalt path
connecting theexistingpath locatedat theMuir eldDrive / BrandRoad roundabout to the twobridges
Emergencyoutdoorwarning siren - installationof newoutdoorwarning siren in theLinks at Ballantrae subdivision
HistoricDublin street light replacements – installationof newpoles andLED xtures to replace theexistingdeteriorated
poles and xtures
Maintainingandexpanding theCity’s infrastructure is
a fulltime job. It includeseverything from sustaining
streets, parking lotsandbikepaths toengineeringnew
roadwaysandupgrading intersections to improve the
drivingexperienceand safety. In2014,Dublinperformed
$6,651,070worthofmaintenanceand$14,710,224 innew
and improved infrastructureprojects.