City of Dublin, Ohio, USA - 2013 Annual Report - page 28

Whether it is responding to residents requests ina timely fashion, ensuring that residents’needs are
met, or simplyprovidinghelpful andcourteous service, Dublinemployeespride themselves in
Nearly8,000calls for public serviceswerecompleted in2013 from requestsmade toStreets&
Utilities and throughCityWorks.
Anapplicationwas createdbyourGISDivisionallowingour light polepaintingcontractor access
toour asset informationon their smart phonesor tablets. This allowed them to indicate
electronicallywhichpoleswerepainted. In turn,wecould then inspect thequalityof their
workmanshipandapprove themonsiteusing the sameapplication.
At thecompletionof the2013Light PolePaintingProject, nearly50%of theover 1,500 street light
and trafficpoleswere repainted.
Streets&Utilities contracted for the repaintingof thedecorativebridge rails and sealingof the
concreteparapetsand sidewalksof theEmeraldParkwayandAveryRoadbridgesover StateRoute33.
Our firehydrantmaintenance staffpaintedmore than1,000firehydrants ina single seasonwith the
majorityof thembeingcompletedbeforeThePresidentsCup.
Our sanitary sewer staffcleanedapproximately130,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer this year
while thevideo inspection staff reviewedapproximately120,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer
documenting theconditionof the sewer systemoverall.
Streets&Utilities contracted the inspectionof 57,000 linear feet of rehabilitated (C.I.P.P) cured in
place sanitary sewer pipe installed inMuirfield in2012. Thisprogramwas completedon-timeand
under budget.
“Dublin rocksbecause
of its employees!”
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