City of Dublin, Ohio, USA - 2013 Annual Report - page 23

An InformedandEngagedCommunity
TheCityofDublindedicatedamemorial toveterans killed inactionaspart of theannual
Memorial DayCeremony. Located in theDublinCemetery, the8-foot highgraniteKIAMemorial
features a stainedglass eternal flame, the insignia’sof eachbranchof themilitaryand thenamesof
16Dublin-areaveteranswhowereeither killed inaction, at thehandsof hostile forces, or diedduring
aperiodof action, invasionor conflict. Following the21-gun salute, guestsmarched to theGrounds
of Remembrance inDublinVeterans Park; the keynoteaddresswasdeliveredby JohnHammond.
Theceremonyendedwithacommunitypicnicon theDublinPublicLibrary lawn.
As is customary inDublin, VeteransDay
for troops, veterans and their family
members at LaChatelaine inHistoric
Dublin. Theceremonyat theGroundsof
Remembrance inDublinVeterans Park
featured keynote speaker CraigPowell.
More than500guests attended, including
students fromSellsMiddleSchool.
Following theceremony, Dublinveterans
spent timewith the students sharing
storiesof conflict and friendshipand
toured thefive featuresof theGrounds
of Remembrance.
Dublin resident andKoreanWarAir Force
veteranO.H. (Oz) Koeplin leadDublin’s
CeremonyonSaturday, December
14. Dublin joined900other cities and
destinations asnearlyonemillionwreaths
wereplacedat veterans’graves across the
nation. Theprogrambegan in1992as a
way to remember andhonor veterans
during theholiday season. Dublinboy
scouts assistedbyplacing286wreaths at
theDublinCemetery, sevenwreaths at the IndianRunCemeteryand four at theDavisCemetery.
In2013,more than70Dublincivicassociationswere represented inDublin’s community relations
andcommunicationeffortsdesigned toprovideconnectivitybetweenCityHall andour residents.
Most neighborhoodswere represented inat least oneof threecommunity information sessions
including theAnnual Stateof theCityAddress, theSpringAssociationMeetingand theFall
AssociationMeeting/BridgeStreetCommunityForum. Inaddition, 36associations reserved the
City’sBlockPartyPackage for 46neighborhoodgatherings.
Threeassociations received$14,806 from theCity’s thirdofferingof theBeautifyYour
Post Preserve - $5,000
TheWoodsof IndianRun - $4,806
LochsleeCondominiumAssociation - $5,000
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