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Mental Health Resources & Suicide Prevention

Youth Suicide Prevention Resources

Here are several important ways to interact with a young person in your life who may be showing signs of suicidal ideation to make sure they are receiving the mental health support they need.

Locks Save Lives — Free Lockbox Giveaway

The Dublin Police has partnered with Columbus Public Health to distribute lockboxes to help limit access to lethal means in homes. Limiting access to lethal means, such as firearms and medications, is an effective way to save the life of someone who is experiencing a suicidal crisis. Visit the Dublin Justice Center, 6565 Commerce Parkway, Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for your free lockbox. You can also call the Dublin Police at 614.410.4800 with questions.

Connect Right Away

If your child or teen makes statements about death, dying, self-harm, harming another or makes an attempt to end their life or another person’s life, listen and take ALL comments and attempts seriously and use these resources.

  • Call 911 for immediate medical or safety concerns
  • Call or text 988 for the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
  • Visit the nearest emergency room
  • Franklin County Suicide Prevention line: 614.221.5445
  • Franklin County Youth Psychiatric Crisis Line: 614.722.1800

Closely Supervise Your Child

Provide close supervision of your child or teenager.

  • Observe and pay attention to any changes in mood and behavior
  • Keep bedroom doors open
  • Do not allow your child alone in any room without the door open
  • Do not allow your child to visit other homes unless there is close adult supervision
  • Talk with your child’s school or workplace to discuss supervision and safety needs
  • Frequently check in on your child and let them know you are available to listen when ready

Safety-Proof Your Home

Reducing or limiting access to lethal means, such as firearms and medications, can determine whether a child or teen at risk for suicide lives or dies.

  • All knives, firearms and ammunition must be removed from the home. If that is not possible, lock these items and store ammunition in a separate place from the firearm.
  • Search your house and your child’s room for any items that could be harmful (sharp objects, cleaning supplies, alcohol, belts, power tools, etc.).
  • Secure or remove ALL medications (vitamins, supplements, etc.).
      • “Out of reach” is not enough in this situation; these items must not be accessible. It is possible that these items may need to be removed from the home for an extended period of time. A safety lock or lock box is recommended for all medication in the home.
  • Be conscious of other potentially harmful items in the home such as plastic bags, belts and cords of any kind (electric cords, window blind cords, etc.).
  • Do not allow your child to have access to a car without adult supervision. Take a teen’s keys until necessary.

Dublin Suicide Prevention Pledge

Sign the Dublin Suicide Prevention Pledge to commit to

  • Talk openly with others about mental health and suicide
  • Tell someone if I’m struggling and need help
  • Know the suicide warning signs in others
  • Keep learning about mental health issues
  • Fight to end the stigma around mental health conversation

Safe Space Dublin

Safe Spaces are safe havens for people who have experienced hate crimes, threats or intimidation, or for people in personal crisis. Find out more.

Drug Abuse Prevention 

The City of Dublin and Dublin Police are committed to working to end the opiate crisis in Central Ohio and around the nation. Find out more.

Suicide Prevention Resource Guide

The City of Dublin and Dublin Police are proud to partner with local mental health providers to ensure Dubliners know who to talk to in a crisis. 

This digital Suicide Prevention Resource Guide connects you with local and regional organizations focused on providing mental health support to everyone in our community. Thank you to Syntero Dublin for helping develop the content throughout this guide. 

What to Do If Someone Is Talking about Suicide

  • Call 911 if you or someone you know is in crisis
  • Call or text 988 to reach the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.
        • The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in crisis and for people worried about a friend or loved one. 
        • Other language and accessibility options are available through this service.

How to Speak with Someone about Suicide Prevention

The biggest myth about suicide is that if you talk with someone about suicide, it will put the idea in their head. It has the opposite effect because candidly addressing suicide can make people realize that if they can talk about it, then maybe there’s another way to deal with the concerns they are having. If someone is talking about suicide:

  • Make sure they know they are not alone.
      • Say something, such as, “This is really important, and I want to make sure you have the support you deserve. Can I go with you to talk to someone?”
  • Don’t offer to keep someone’s suicidal thoughts a secret.
  • If you have a concern about a person’s safety but don’t know how to talk to them directly, reach out to someone else.

Mindfulness — Being mindful goes a long way. Working to center yourself can help create good coping skills before you’re in crisis. Encourage yourself or someone who has had suicidal ideation to have a conversation about life when things are going well in order to build those skills.

Reducing Stigma in Dublin — Practice saying the words: “Are you thinking about suicide?” It’s not a comfortable thing to say, but it’s important to prepare yourself and be confident so you can be in the position to help others when necessary.

Questions like “Are you thinking of harming yourself?” or “Do you wish you were dead?” can be misleading and mean different things to people, so be direct with “Are you thinking about suicide?”

Local Support Groups and Health Providers

Addiction Rehab: Find information about a variety of drug rehab and therapy services and resources local to Dublin.

Alcoholics Anonymous: Find local Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting locations and information about addiction treatment and facilities. Visit the website

Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Board of Franklin County: ADAMH helps Franklin County residents find the right places to turn for affordable, quality alcohol, substance use disorder and mental health services. These services are provided by more than 35 not-for-profit contract agencies located in neighborhoods throughout the county. Visit the website

Franklin County Suicide Prevention Coalition: The Franklin County Suicide Prevention Coalition (FCSPC) aims to increase communication, coordination, and collaboration efforts in Franklin County to prevent suicide and bring hope and support to those affected by suicide. The coalition bridges organizations together with the end goal of enhancing the overall success of collective suicide prevention efforts. These efforts include decreasing stigma, increasing awareness of available support, and coordinating suicide prevention training. The FCSPC offers support to local businesses and organization with implementing the National Guidelines for Workplace Suicide Prevention. The FCSPC is hosted by Mental Health America of Ohio and funded by the Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Board of Franklin County. Visit the website

LOSS Community Services: LOSS Community Services is made up of both staff and a large number of volunteers, many of whom are survivors of a suicide loss. LOSS exists to offer hope to the bereaved, empowering them so they can thrive. LOSS provides resources, support and understanding immediately after a suicide loss and for the months and years that follow. LOSS also facilitates evidence-based suicide prevention training sessions. Visit the website

Mental Health America of Ohio: Mental Health America of Ohio (MHAOhio) is an affiliate of Mental Health America, the country’s leading organization dedicated to helping all people live mentally healthier lives. MHAOhio supports the Central Ohio community by guiding people to mental health services that may not otherwise be accessible. MHAOhio believes in inclusivity and works with all people and their families through each step on the path to wellness, from making initial referrals, to providing free mental health services, to helping maintain stability and productivity once they are achieved. Visit the website

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Meetings: Find local Narcotics Anonymous meeting locations and information as well as 24/7 guidance and resources from Visit the website

Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation: The Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation (OSPF) is a not-for-profit organization that works to bring about changes in attitudes and perceptions surrounding suicide and its relationship to mental illness, alcohol and drug abuse, and other issues. OSPF supports community-based efforts that reduce stigma, promote education and increase awareness, resources and programs that lessen the risk of suicide. Resources available to businesses and organizations include mental health campaign materials and evidence-based training sessions. Visit the website

Syntero: Adults and children can receive professional behavioral health care and social services that adapt to the changing needs of the community. Find treatment, prevention and support options with licensed counselors in Dublin. Visit the website.

Workplace Suicide Prevention: Workplace Suicide Prevention provides support with implementing the National Guidelines for Workplace Suicide Prevention. Businesses and organizations can receive support by pledging to take action and joining the national community of practice focused on workplace suicide prevention. Visit the website

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Phone: 911

Non-Emergency Service
: 614.889.1112

Dublin Justice Center
Address: 6565 Commerce Parkway, Dublin, OH 43017
Phone: 614.410.4800 | Fax: 614.761.6535

Justice Center Hours: Open 24/7
Records Department Hours: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Court Services
Phone: 614.410.4920 | Fax: 614.761.6598

Email Dublin Police
Contact the Dublin Police Department via email. This is NOT live-monitored.

Submit an Anonymous Tip
Submit an anonymous tip to the Dublin Police regarding crime.       

Submit Traffic Complaint
Fill out a traffic complaint. This is NOT live-monitored.

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JustFOIA is a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) online application that helps streamline the open records request process for the community and improve efficiencies in getting requested information quickly and accurately.

The application lets community members submit requests for all city records, including police reports. Commonly requested information includes accident reports, copies of resolutions and body-camera video.

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