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Administrative Permits

Administrative Permits include CZPAs (which include accessory structures under 200-square-feet, at-grade patios, driveway expansions or material changes, and fences), Sign Permits, and Other Permits (including Garage Sale, Charitable/Group Fundraising, Seasonal Business, Home Occupation, Peddler/Solicitor, Tree Removal, Block Party, and Swimming Pool Barriers).

Certificate of Zoning Plan Approval (CZPA)

Please plan ahead with your CZPA requests to avoid the spring/summer rush.  CZPA approvals are valid for one year, so applications in fall and winter are very welcome and may decrease your processing time.

Certificate of Zoning Plan Approval applications are required prior to installing a patio, fence, accessory structure, driveway addition, temporary sign, and etc. Certificate of Zoning Plan Approvals allow the City to ensure that the required development standards are met before construction of certain structures begins. The approximate review time for a Certificate of Zoning Plan Approval is 5-7 business days upon submittal date.

To apply for a Certificate of Zoning Plan approval please register and apply using the ACA Portal. The Certificate of Zoning Plan Approval application will be under the ‘Planning’ tab, and under ‘Administrative Applications’ dropdown on the Record Type selection page. For a step by step guide on how to register and apply please use the ACA Portal Guide: Accela Citizens Access Portal Guide. The applicant will be notified by email upon approval or denial of the application. Upon completion of construction a final inspection may be required.

For questions pertaining to CZPA applications, please contact: Planning Division at 614.410.4600

Find out more about Certification of Zoning Plan Approval (CZPA)

TypeFeeSubmittal RequirementsAdditional Information
  • Apply for a Certificate of Zoning Plan Approval  – Residential application through ACA Portal website
  • Scaled site plan drawing (showing setbacks and dimensions of structures).
  • Material specifications (as applicable).
  • Fee (payment online through ACA Portal)
  • Projects must be built within the buildable area and meet all setback requirements.
  • Additional permits may be required through the Building Standards Division for projects including the following items:
  • Residential accessory structures that are 200 square feet or greater in size or are attached to the primary structure require a building permit.
Accessory Structures
Driveway/Pavement Modifications
Roof/Siding Replacement

*Accessory structures include but are not limited to; detached garages, sheds, greenhouses, carports, HVAC systems, and other similar structures as determined by the Administrative Official.

TypeFeeSubmittal RequirementsAdditional Information
  • Apply for a Certificate of Zoning Plan Approval – Commercialapplication through ACA Portal website
  • Scaled site plan drawing (showing setbacks and dimensions of structures).
  • Material specifications (as applicable).
  • Fee (payment online through ACA Portal)
  • Projects must be built within the buildable area and meet all setback requirements.
  • Additional permits may be required through the Building Standards Division for projects including the following items:
  • Non-Residential accessory structures that are 120 square feet or greater in size or are attached to the primary structure require a building permit.
Accessory Structures*
Roof/Siding Replacement

*Accessory structures include but are not limited to; detached garages, sheds, greenhouses, carports, HVAC systems, and other similar structures as determined by the Administrative Official.

Model Homes
TypeFeeSubmittal RequirementsAdditional Information
Model Home/Sales Office Use$105.00
  • Apply for a Certificate of Zoning Plan Approval – Residential application through the ACA Portal
  • List of property owners within 300 feet of the development (include owner name and address).
  • Scaled site plan and elevation drawing (showing proposed use of all parts of the lot and structures, including access, sidewalks, building materials, and landscaping).
  • Operation details including hours of operation and number of employees.
  • Fee (payment online through the ACA Portal)
  • Approval valid for up to two years.
  • CZPA approval may be renewed for an additional two years until the residential development is 75% occupied.
  • When the residential development is greater than 75% occupied but less than 95% occupied, a CZPA may be approved for up to one year.
  • Once operation of the model home/sales office is discontinued, the site shall be restored to conditions typical of a residential lot within 90 days.
Model Home Sign$105.00
  • Apply for a Certificate of Zoning Plan Approval – Temporary Sign through the ACA Portal
  • Scaled site plan and elevation drawing (showing setbacks and dimensions of sign details.
  • Fee (payment online through the ACA Portal)
  • Approval valid for one year.
  • CZPA approval may be renewed for an additional one year term upon expiration.

Model Home Regulations

Temporary Signs
TypeFeeSubmittal RequirementsAdditional Information
Development and/or For Sale/For Lease Signs$105.00
  • Apply for a Certificate of Zoning Plan Approval – Temporary Signapplication through the ACA Portal
  • Scaled site plan showing setback from right-of-way and adjacent property lines.
  • Elevation showing sign details such as dimensions, colors, graphics/logos,etc.
  • Fee (payment online through the ACA Portal)
  • Approval valid for one year.
  • CZPA approval may be renewed for an additional one year term upon expiration. (to renew please reapply using the same address)
Banners (special events/grand openings)
  • Approval valid for 14 days.
  • No renewal option is available.

Sign Permits


Permits are required to display any signs, permanent or temporary, within the City of Dublin. Exceptions exist for residential real estate, governmental signs, and other signs listed in Zoning Code Section 153.157. Improperly placed signs will be removed by Planning and stored at 5200 Emerald Parkway for a period of not more than 30 days.

Neon or neon-lookalike signs, signs on vehicles and/or trailers, and signs with changeable copy (except gasoline station prices) are prohibited in Dublin. Other prohibited signs are listed in Zoning Code Section 153.154.


A permanent sign permit is required for all permanent ground and building-mounted signs. Permanent signs are permitted through the City of Dublin Building Standards Department following appropriate zoning reviews by the City’s Planning and Zoning Commission, Architectural Review Board, or Administrative Review Team, as required by the Zoning Code.

Please contact Planning at 614.410.4600 for more information regarding sign regulations specific to your property or Building Standards at 614.410.4670 for more information regarding permanent sign permitting.

Other Permits

Block Party

A block party to request allows residents having a block party for neighborhood block parties.

Charitable/Group Fundraising

A charitable/group fund raising permit is required for door-to-door solicitation within the City of Dublin.

Garage Sale

Garage and yard sales within the city require a permit, allowing the sale of goods in residential zoning districts for not more than three days. Garage sale permits are $5.00, plus $1.00 per garage sale sign up to a maximum of three signs per location. Only signs issued by the City may be used, except for signs displayed on the property where the sale is occurring. Signs may be posted one day prior to the sale and should be removed promptly when complete. Sale hours are restricted to 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Only two Garage Sale permits can be issued for a single address in any 12-month period. Should a group of 10 or more homes within the same neighborhood wish to combine their garage or yard sales, the cost is $3.00 per home. A community representative may purchase the permits and will need each participating homeowner’s name, address and fee at the time of the purchase. Signs for a community garage sales must be purchased by the community representative at the time of the community garage sale purchase.

Pick up purchased permit on Monday – Friday between 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. at Development Building, 5200 Emerald Parkway. Please enter the door facing Coffman Park and ring the bell. We prefer that you bring your receipt with you when picking up your signs.

Home Occupation

Home occupation permits allow certain unobtrusive home-based businesses to operate in residential zoning districts provided the requirements of Zoning Code Section 153.073(B) are met.


A peddler/solicitor permit is required to solicit funds or sale items door-to-door in residential zoning districts. 

Pick up purchased permit on Monday – Friday between 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the Development Building, 5200 Emerald Parkway. Please enter the door facing Coffman Park and ring the bell. We prefer that you bring your receipt with you when picking up your permit.”

Seasonal Business

A seasonal business permit is required for temporary sale of Christmas trees and pumpkins, not to exceed 40 days annually.

Swimming Pool Barriers

All details related to fences used as barriers to secure a swimming pool (commercial and residential) must be included with the building permit application that is filed for the construction of the swimming pool.  A separate Certificate of Zoning Plan Approval is no longer required.

Applicants submitting a building permit for a swimming pool are required to submit for the construction of the State of Ohio required pool barrier simultaneously. Pool contractors can still subcontract the pool barrier to a fence contractor, but the barrier details must be included with the pool permit application. This allows the City to ensure the barrier is properly constructed as part of the final occupancy inspection of the swimming pool.

Tree Removal

A tree removal permit is required prior to removal of any protected tree with the exception of trees on privately owned residential property that are not located in no-disturb zones. Contact Planning at 614.410.4600 for more information regarding no-disturb zones.